Friday, December 16, 2011

8 months.

Olivia is 8 months today.  It is amazing and so exiting.  I already miss my little baby but I am loving my big baby now.  She is learning so fast and so much.  Everything is going as it should and she is healthy, funny, smart, and the sweetest-coolest little person in the world.  I adore her and can't think of my life without her anymore.  Everything is just so much better!
Congratulations Olivia!!!!!! Te amo!!!!


  1. Olivia...¡cómo nos has llenado de felicidad!!!
    Desde aquí, te mando mi mas grande amor, me has dado la felicidad mas grande de la vida!!! te amo mi botoncito de rosa. ¡Felices 8 meses!!!
